

June 13, 2016

Quantum communication: information security protection of god

Optical communication Reuters Quantum communication Has a great application value and prospect in the field of information security, not only can be used for national security communications, military defense, also can be used in secret data Bill, government, telecommunications, securities, insurance, banking, industry and commerce, taxation, finance and other fields and departments, and the technology is relatively mature, the future market prospects of application.

;Quantum communication in military communication, government secrecy communication, commercial communication will bring disruptive change, technology is relatively mature, the details of our estimates, the future market space is far more than one hundred billion yuan.; One of the earliest published research report, securities analyst quantum communications chief analyst at Societe Generale Securities communications team Tang Hai Qing pointed out.

In June 3rd, the national development and Reform Commission issued the;city groups in the Yangtze River Delta Development Plan; proposed, will actively the construction of Beijing Shanghai route quantum communication engineering, to promote the use of quantum communication technology in Shanghai, Hefei, Wuhu city. More striking is that document clearly stated:;to promote the quantum communication technology in government departments, financial institutions and military applications.; This is the first clear government to promote the quantum communication technology into the government, military and financial institutions. For example, some banks in the transmission system, credit information, personal user information on the client will also ensure that the quantum information is not stolen.

According to the national development and Reform Commission had approved the plan, the second half of 2016, encrypted communication trunk Beijing Shanghai route Quantum Remote large scale the longest in the world Optical fiber Quantum communication backbone network will be completed. At the same time, July will launch Chinese Quantum Science experimentSatellite, air driven quantum communication optical fiber free.

Quantum theory is considered as the Newtonian classical mechanics, subversive human scientific discovery. Recently, the reporter in Shanghai at the New York University's;atomic molecular and optical physics frontier development international symposium on digital interview quantum physics international top scientists found that there are a lot of domestic public misunderstanding of quantum communication, and the actual application of China in the field of quantum communication is at the forefront of the world.

How to carry out information transfer

Next month, China will launch the world's first quantum science experimental satellite, and the first in the world to realize quantum communication between the satellite and the ground, build an integrated quantum secure communication and scientific experiment system.

In September this year, the core part of quantum communication: key transmission experiments, will take the;Tiangong two; Heaven spreading experiment. This means that the world's first letter will not be intercepted, cracked, copied, only;everybody knows, you know, I know you will be born;.

So, what is the principle of quantum communication, how to realize the information transmission and encryption?

Quantum communication, quantum entanglement is used to transfer the information effect. What is the quantum entanglement? Tongsudeshuo, like telepathy. The study of quantum mechanics, the universe of any particle are;twins;, the two even separated distances across the universe, still keep the same synchronous changes, like one fan Zhang, another head of the universe is also turning the palm. This is like a pair of lovers, the heart of a person to another person to say;I love you;, another person immediately synchronized have the same feelings say;I love you;. The particle synchronization is also changing, is quantum entanglement.

According to this principle, it can be prepared by a pair of entangled particles, put them in a place in Beijing, one in Shanghai, Beijing when the particle particle movement, Shanghai immediately received information. This is the quantum communication.

At present, when we discuss the;quantum communication;, mainly includes two layers: one is to replace the current application of quantum technology (Technology optical cable To transmit information; two) is still used the technology to transmit information, but the information encryption key used to transfer the secret key distribution, quantum principle.

The first complete quantum technology to transmit information which is not currently visible cable laying technology, but invisible in the air transport, which is often called the free space international communication (air quantum communication), quantum teleportation of domestic call.

But the air current is still unsolved in quantum communication the key technical problems in the short term, not the actual project put into use. The second half of 2016 will be delivered to the Beijing Shanghai route quantum communication network That is what?

Its full name is the Beijing Shanghai route of large scale fiber quantum communication backbone network;, as the name implies, it still requires the laying of fiber optic cable, through the optical fiber transmission information visible, which is often called the; classical international transmission (traditional transmission method);.

But it is the use of quantum information security technology, namely second of the two applications in quantum key distribution principle. This is currently the world in the research field of quantum technology, most practical. Academician of Academy of Sciences of University of Science ; Technology China, Chinese executive vice president Pan Jianwei said,;the Beijing Shanghai line; project focuses on the key technologies of quantum secure communication.

Beijing Shanghai route completed by the end of

At present, the main Chinese quantum secure communication technology, currently under construction is mainly two projects: one is the Beijing Shanghai route, two is the quantum communication satellite will be launched in July.

The Beijing Shanghai line of large scale fiber quantum communication backbone network, will be a quantum secure communication trunk currently the total length of the longest in the world, its length more than 2000 kilometers, starting from Beijing, through Ji'nan, Hefei, arrived in Shanghai. It is a communication network the world's first thousand kilometers high reliable, scalable wide area optical fiber, in 2013 by the national development and Reform Commission project, is expected in 2016 9 at the end of all application delivery, and start the whole system on-line debugging, complete the total acceptance at the end of the year.

Global Quantum communication The recognized expert, Professor of physics at the University of Mainz in Germany Peter Van Loock told the;international finance; reporter, if financial institutions, military, government needs to transmit confidential information between Shanghai and Beijing, quantum secure route is the best security solution. Pan Jianwei said, this route can realize remote HD quantum secure video conference system and other multimedia cross domain Internet applications, can also achieve financial, e-government fields or remote city data The application of disaster recovery system, data acquisition system and other financial institutions.

Quantum cryptography technology is generally considered;theory on 100% can not decipher intercepted;,;100% safe;, mainly based on the two principle: the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and quantum principle can not be copied.

China three scientists who declined to be named, told reporters that the quantum cryptography communication transmission than the information itself, but the transfer key, a transmission determines the state of the photon, the B transceiver Receive, then B corresponding to the photon state, once found the photon state changes, can confirm the eavesdropping.

But the biggest problem is: the photon will be lost. Photon emission after a distance will decay, if there is no intermediate station;to help it adjust the state of; on the road, it will not be able to complete the crossing from Beijing to Shanghai.

Therefore, the two basic problems in quantum communication to solve is: let the photon quantum entangled state to maintain a longer distance, let the photon transmission faster. Under the same conditions, the intermediate base station (or;nodes;) quality is critical.

As of March, the Beijing Shanghai route has completed construction of 15 base stations, 1554 km middle trunk line optical cable Exploration and transformation. Among them, Beijing Metro quantum network Has completed the deployment and testing, all-weather 24 hours of continuous operation time, stable operation of the system has more than 5000 hours. Is Shanghai access network The construction and the main line of the two phase of the construction work.

Several scientists told reporters, in theory, even if it is also impossible to decipher the quantum computer, quantum key, but in practice, there are still many factors may lead to leakage of the secret key. Especially the middle station, need to receive, send, easily intercepted vulnerabilities exist.

The actual application of Chinese in the forefront

The reporter interviews found that the European main transit station technology in transmission, the main quantum computer hardware, China is currently the main long distance quantum communication encryption. Overall, the leading European America, and China in practical application in the forefront.

In the field of quantum communication, the latest progress in 2015, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) program at its headquarters and jet propulsion experimentRoom (JPL) to build a 600 km straight-line distance between, Optical fiber The skin around 1000 km long and 10 transit station long-distance fiber quantum communication line, and plans to expand to satellite quantum communication. The latest news is not yet a real progress.

Compared with the United States, the practical application of China was in the forefront. In July this year, Chinese will launch its first;quantum science experimental satellite, the satellite will promote the realization of air communication without fiber.

The satellite is equipped with quantum key communication machine, quantum entanglement, quantum entanglement, quantum source transmitter test control and payload processor etc., with two sets of independent of payload pointing mechanism, the attitude control system to cooperative control, with the ground at the distance of two kilometers 1000 optical station and quantum optical link.

Quantum satellite launch, the integration of quantum science experimental system and will be officially put into operation, a number of scientific experiments tasks include: high speed satellite ground quantum key distribution, quantum communication network, wide area satellite ground quantum entanglement distribution and star quantum teleportation.

;Europe is the main transit station breakthrough.; A recognized global solid quantum optics and spintronics expert Jorg Wrachtrup told reporters.

The EU in April 2016 approved a 1 billion euro quantum research fund. At the same time, launched at the end of 2015 for the development of quantum information technology;European quantum science and technology;, and;European quantum information processing and communication plan;, is the CERN and space technology through international cooperation, and the major technological problems of large-scale international cooperation.


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